Apex is the computer generator of an unlimited variety of structures with many input choices and different output modes. For detailed information, click the magenta or yellow page arrow, download readme and demo files, or contact us.
Apex evaluation
The evaluation version ApexE is fully functional, but it is restricted for personal use by individuals. There is no difference with the genuine version, but data exchange is impossible. There are no rights for publishing output. Send us your choice without any obligation, and we will contact you.
Apex license
The genuine version Apex is meant for professional use in universities and for other applications in education, science, arts, design, architecture, engineering, mathematics, and so on. Publishing output is restricted. Email us your choice without any obligation, and we will contact you.
Article and dissertation
'Creating Phyllotaxis: The Stack-and-Drag Model' Mathematical Biosciences 133:21-50 (ISSN-00255561/1996 Elsevier Sci.Inc., NY 1996)
'Phyllotactic Patterns for Domes', 208 p., many BW illustrations (dissertation in private publication, Eindhoven, NL 1994). (The commercial version of this title, ISBN-9054780428/1996, is not available any more.) Email us your choice and way of payment. Postage and handling are included.
Phyllotactische schoonheid
'Phyllotactische schoonheid', 48 p., hard cover, full color (ISBN-9789082922523/2022). Email us your choice and way of payment. Postage and handling are included.